Initial consultation

Dr. Tsvetkova offers online consultations to truly understand your unique needs and health concerns. This in-depth session focuses on discussing your main health challenges, reviewing your medical history, and diving into the root causes of any symptoms you may be experiencing.
During the consultation, she will also offer health advice, including specific dietary recommendations that support your healing journey.
Using her extensive knowledge of holistic traditional medicine,
Dr. Tsvetkova tailors a personalised treatment plan designed specifically for you.
Vibrational Healing

Dr. Dina Tsvetkova has created her healing method called Vibrational Healing, rooted in the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It combines various styles of acupuncture along with the powerful addition of sound vibrations, Reiki energy healing and herbal applications.
Chinese Herbal treatment

China has a long history of herbal medicine and has developed a unique system for using it. The herbs safety and efficiency have been established by means of modern tests in a scientific frame work. Medicinal plants have been in use for untold centuries and have proved reliable and effective in treating and preventing disease.
Vibrational healing essence

This essence is a unique and transformative remedy tailored just for you!
Doctor takes into account your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the precise blend of herbal essences and crystal energies. Each bottle of her remedy is infused with sacred mantras and healing sounds, enhancing its vibrational resonance.
Vibrational Healing Essence works on a deep vibrational level to clear out negative energy, paving the way for profound mental and emotional healing.
Advanced Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture works by strengthening the skin structure and encourages vital skin functions. It can be used to treat conditions such as acne, pigmentation, rosacea, eczema, or dermatitis.

1996 report published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with facial acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment.

A course of 4-5 treatments is recommended. The treatment stimulates local circulation of blood, improves muscle tone, encourages tightening of the pores and brightens the eyes.
It greatly reduces stress evident in the face, bringing out the beauty within.
Bio therapeutic non surgical facelift

This non invasive facial starts with deep cleanse following all standards of medical skin care. Dr. Dina Tsvetkova uses high quality professional products depending on your skin condition.
Then continues with micro current therapy encouraging the facial muscles to contract. It is often described as going to gym, but for your face. The treatment has also been shown to stimulate collagen and elastin production, improve blood circulation and trigger cellular renewal in the skin.
Maria Deodati

I was very sick during almost 2 months, I had a very strong flu and doctors prescribed me different antibiotics,but no one helped. Doctor Dina made me only one treatment and the next day I felt a complete relief from my desease. My nose strated to feel the smells again, my headache stopped the next day and I started to feel much stronger. In the next two days I was completely healed.
Marta Sirotkina

I am an ex professional tennis player, a mother of a 3 year old son and a tennis coach.
Almost 7 years ago when I was still traveling and playing professionally, I got diagnosed with mononucleosis...Had to spend a few weeks in the hospital. It took me a few month to come back on the road. Since than I get ill very easily. Swollen lymph nodes and sore throat almost every month...And also pain in my back on the right side when I made a breath deep. I've stopped playing professionally in 2015. I met Doctor Dina about a year ago. I wish I met her earlier when I was still playing.
After a couple of session the pain started to go away and I could finally breathe deeply! I continue coming to Doctor Dina once in a while if I have something disturbing and like by the wave of a magic wand, the problem goes away. I am very grateful to Doctor Dina for all the hard professional work she has done for me!